Financial statements

This page illustrates how to view, adjust and export statements and reports, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.

1. Accessing the Financial Statements

  1. On the project homepage, navigate to the Reports page.

  2. In the Reports page, you can select the report you would like to view via the tabs at the top of the page.

  3. Click the "Regenerate Reports" button to re-generate the reports based on the latest journal entries.

2. Setting the Reporting frequeny and date range

  1. The reporting frequency can be set to "Annual", "Quarterly", "Monthly" or "Daily".

  2. After selecting the desired reporting period, you can then choose the corresponding date range.

3. Balance Sheet

  1. The Balance Sheet discloses the relevant accounts based on the Crypto assets involved in the project.

4. Income Statement

  1. The income statement presents revenue and expenses related to crypto activities, as well as gains and lossses resulting from these activities.

5. Cash Flow Statement

  1. The cash flow statement summarizes cash movements resulting from Operating, Investing and Financing activities of the entity.

6. Exporting financial statements

  1. Click on the "Export" button on the right side to export the financial statements for the selected period and date range.

Last updated