

The dashboard provides a clear view of key financial metrics, such as real-time balances, asset trends, income, expenses, and profits over specified periods.

Its visual format allows you to quickly assess your financial health, enabling faster, data-driven decision-making.

The dashboard is split into two main sections:

Treasury: Shows real-time balances and asset trends based on account balance data.

Reports: Displays income, profits, and asset distribution trends based on financial reports.

  • You can set Period and Date Range at the top, all charts will update accordingly.

Add a Chart:

Click on Add Chart to configure a chart according to your needs.

Edit/Delete a Chart:

Click the chart’s More button and select Edit to modify an existing chart.

If you no longer need a chart, you can delete it.

Rearrange Chart Order:

Hover over the drag icon at the top of the chart, then drag and drop to change the order.

Temporarily Change Chart Filters:

  • While viewing a chart, you can temporarily modify settings like time range or currency to quickly analyze the data.

  • These changes won’t be saved. If you want the modified settings to be applied by default in the future, you’ll need to edit the chart.

Modify Summary Metrics:

You can change the summary information displayed at the top of the Reports section.

Click the More button to select the metrics you want to view.

Last updated