Broker business inventory management

This page illustrates how to utilize the Broker Inventory module, including selection of cost valuation methods, managing crypto buy/sell records, performing fair value calculations, and exporting the relevant data.

1. Accessing the Broker Inventory module

  1. From the project homepage, navigate to the Valuation page

  2. On the Valuation page, select the Broker Inventory tab.

2. Adjusting Cost Basis methods

  1. Click on the "Cost Basis Method" on the upper right corner of the page.

  2. You can select from First In First Out, Weighted Average, or Specified ID methods.

  3. When using the specified ID method, you can configure suitable rules.

3. Broker Inventory calculation and bookkeeping

  1. Purchase: Records journal entries, purchasing price, and quantity related to cryptocurrency purchases.

  2. Inventory: Records the remaining quantity and cost of the cryptocurrency inventory.

  3. Sales: Records journal entries related to cryptocurrency sales and associated inventory records.

4. Executing the Fair Value calculation

  1. Click the "Recalculate" button in the upper right corner to execute the fair value adjustment calculations.

5. Exporting the Fair Value calculations table

  1. Click on the "Export" button on the right side to export the desired calculation tables.

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