Automated bookkeeping of business data

This page illustrates how to set up and manage automated bookkeeping rules in the Business Data Automation module, including adding, executing, editing and deleting rules.

1. Accessing Business Data Automation module

  1. On the project homepage, navigate to the Transaction page.

  2. In the Transaction page, select the Automation tab on the upper side of the page.

  3. Select the "Business Data -> Journals" sub-tab.

2. Adding an Automated Bookkeeping rule

  1. Click the "+ Add Rule" button on the upper right corner of the page.

  1. Enter a name for the rule.

  2. Select the integration type for the business data.

  3. Configure the conditions for which the business data will be filtered and processed based on.

  4. Select the type of journal entries to create for business data that meets the configured conditions.

  5. Input the value computations for the required journal entries; for currency, auxiliary accounting fields, etc. You can select specific columns from the business data. For numerical values, you can either select a column or input a formula.

  1. Save the automated bookkeeping rule.

3. Executing the Automated bookkeeping rules

  1. Click the "Manually execute all rules" at the upper right corner of page to execute all rules.

  2. You can also click the "play" icon beside each rule to execute that individual rule.

  1. Once the journals have been verified and confirmed on the Ledger page, click on the Post to Ledger button on the upper right corner of the page.

4. Updating Automated Bookkeeping rules

  1. Click on the "pencil" icon next to the rule to open the Edit Rule window.

  2. After updating the rule, re-run it to generate new journal entries replacing the original existing journal entries.

5. Deleting Automated Bookkeeping rules

  1. Click on the "thrashcan" icon next to the rule to trigger deletion

  2. Deleting the rule will not delete the journal entries that were generated based on this rule.

Last updated